Essential Skills for Dementia Care Logo
assisted living staff development

Introducing Essential Skills for Dementia Care

As I reframe 2020 from a year of much hardship, isolation, and devastation for so many people, I am grateful for many things. I am grateful for the continued health of my family, ability to pay my bills, and the resilience to rebuild my business that ultimately took a dramatic downturn. In rebuilding Alternatives in Alzheimer’s Care, I took this past year to increase my education and knowledge. As a Dementia Specialist, I became a Board-Certified Dementia Educator through the National Institute for Dementia Education. I would like to introduce you to my newly authored and NIDE certified credentialing curriculum,

Bettering Your Service Outcomes
Caregiver support

Bettering Your Service Outcomes Through Dementia Education

The investment of educating professional healthcare providers will improve the results of the services you deliver to your clients living with dementia.  The Workforce Development Workgroup researched and wrote Workforce Gaps in Dementia Education and Training in 2017, as part of the National Research Summit: Building Evidence for Services and Supports on Dementia Care, supports this.  The number of people living with dementia continue to grow despite all the research and treatment trials.  We are facing an epidemic that is forcing families to make hard decisions regarding care for their loved one.  In most cases, institutionalization is the last option

Elderly Woman Bathing
Caregiver Training

Bathing… The Ultimate Battle

How can you change the inevitable protest of bathing? Personal and professional caregivers for those living with dementia report their biggest challenge is assisting the person with bathing. A daughter once came to me with tears in her eyes stating, “I can’t do this anymore.”  She went on to explain the difficulty she experiences when attempting to assist her mother with bathing.  Every attempt resulted in yelling, arguing, and crying.   This was obviously a traumatic experience for both.  In order to understand the whole situation, I visited the home.  I looked at the physical space of the bathroom and evaluated